Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Benefits of Baldness

Now that the hair on my head looks like a monchichi's (see picture), I fondly recall the months when I had no hair.  Yes, I'm glad my hair is growing back, but there are some advantages to being bald.  For instance:

1.  No bed head in the morning.
2.  Easier to check for ticks.
3.  Shorter showers.
4.  Save on expense of shampoo and conditioner.
5.  Hair not constantly falling into face.
6.  Hair does not clog drains.
7.  Loose hair not forming into a small animal on bathroom floor.
8.  Hair not falling into food.
9.  Hair not getting into mouth when eating.
10. Hair doesn't fly uncontrollably and get tangled when riding in a Jeep.
11. Rubbing the bald head.  Love the feel.
12. Great conversation starter.
13. People are really nice to a bald lady.
14. You are easily recognized.
15. Makes you concentrate on things other than appearance.
16. Save on expense of a shampoo and cut.
17. Hair isn't messed up after a massage.
18. Hair isn't messed up after working out.
19. Allows you to share your story.

And most importantly...

20. You can inspire and empower others.
